
Train children in the right way,
and when old, they will not stray.
Proverbs 22:6

Inspired by this word of God, Catechism has a pivotal role in our parish where we envisage a faith filled future generation who is able to impart the same to their young and keep the flame of faith alive.

Our Catechists carry on the mission of our Lord by living themselves and nurturing the faith of the young, developing Christ-like attitude and service in them, empowering them with traditional prayers and   word of God, imparting the traditions and culture of the Syro-Malabar church and there by developing future leaders of the church.

Our Catechism ministry is built upon these core values.

  • Prayer as a priority in both congregational and personal life.
  • A strong ministry which teaches, equips, and trains children and young people to be discerning and courageous Christians.
  • Ministry that occurs in relationships and close fellowship ensuring mutual respect and development of one another.
  • Setting examples to the young ones by way of life and service.
  • Strengthening own spirituality through regular sacraments, prayer and word of god.


  • Regular classes on Sundays 
  • Varied teaching activities and styles including
    • audio visual aids
    • active interactions
    • Research/Project work
    • Systematic and ongoing evaluation
    • Feed back to parents and kids
    • Altar server training
    • Kids choir
    • Lectors training
    • Various in house and inter centre competitions
    • Bible Quiz competition
    • Annual retreat
    • Preparation for reconciliation, first Holy Communion and confirmation
    • Teachers training Program
    • Regular Teachers meeting
    • Teachers annual thanksgiving fellowship

Catechism classes are conducted in two different centres where each centre has its own catechists and coordinators. The leadership team meet along with the Chaplin once in four months to share, discuss and plan current and future activities and the decisions are communicated to respective catechists.


  • Catechetical Text book from  SYROMALABAR CATECHETICAL CENTRE
  • Catechism of the Catholic church
  • Supplementary text – BASIC CHRISTIAN
  • Catechetical  Diary ( Year Planner)
  • Online Resources
  • Resource speakers

Leadership Team


          Riji George                             Betcy Antony                          Evelyn Sebastian

            Principal                                 Asst. Principal                        Academic coordinator


          Boppin John                        Tony Santhosh                        Sheryl Varghese

             Secretary                             Co-Ordinator                                Co-Ordinator


Aaron Mathew                                     Aleena Jimmy                                       Alex Jaison
Alfred Mathew                                     Alina Judy Francis                                Ambily Biju
Angel Mathews                                   Anitha Jacob                                         Anjana Assis
Ann Lee Thomas                                Ann Maria Siby                                      Beena Dilip
Benny Joseph                                    Catherine Cletus                                   Cemy Cleetus
Dency Bejoy                                       Dency Joby                                           Edwin Joby
Emilin Joby                                         Fiona Laiju                                            Geom George 
Gladis Thomas                                   Jaimol Joby                                           Jancy Shaji
Jento Arakkal                                      Jerymol George                                   Jessel Sebastian
Jinsy Joseph                                       Jisha Stanly                                         Joby Philip
Joel Bennny                                        Justin Mathew                                      Kathrina Jobin
Kevin Bastian                                      Leanne Sebastian                                Leona James
Linta Manuel                                        Lloyd Davis                                          Manuel Benny
Merril Sebastian                                  Mini Thomas                                         Minu Manuel
Nessen Paul                                       Nisha Joseph                                        Rijo George
Rose Thomas                                     Saniya Joshy                                        Shaju Peter         
Shali Bijo                                             Shiji Thomas                                        Sini Jolly
Soju Varghese                                     Soniya Roshin                                      Stella Manoj
Toji Leon


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Teacher’s Handbook





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Useful Weblinks

1. Syro-Malabar Catechesis

2. Smart Catechism

3. Holy Communion Class (Malayalam)

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