Renewal Team
In 1963, Pope John XXIII opened the 2nd Vatican Council with a prayer to the Holy Spirit to come in power upon the Church “as in a new Pentecost. In 1967, several students and faculty at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh went on a weekend retreat to seek a closer relationship with Jesus than what they had been experiencing. On that weekend, the Holy Spirit fell powerfully on the attendees and their lives were changed. They experienced a new relationship, in power, with God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. The group began to meet regularly to pray and explore their new life in the Spirit
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life”. A deeper understanding to these words and an utmost response to his call remain the foundation of the Renewal Team of our community. St. Paul’s instruction in Romans 12:11 “Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, and serve the Lord”. Embolden us to be committed to this ministry and we draw the strength from the Word of God, sacraments and prayer.
We support our community with a variety of services including: Organising Liturgical Services, monthly adoration, night vigil services, retreats, conferences, healing masses, praise nights and other devotional resources. We also enrich ward based family units that grow as a community of love, prayer and sharing. It can best be described as a group of clergy, religious and lay individuals seeking to live in growing awareness and fullness of the gifts, grace and power of the Holy Spirit, and seeking opportunities to use their God-given gifts in the service of others.
Our Renewal Team comprise of parishioners from different walks of life who by the love of Jesus come together to share their time and talents to enrich the spiritual life in our community. We provide teaching, instruction and formation for individuals who seek a fully surrendered life in Christ and a close personal relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit. Preachers are brought in from across the country and around the world, as well as from local resources. We meet once in a month for prayer, fellowship and sharing. Together with the anointing of our Bishop Mar Bosco Puthur and under the guidance of our Vicar Fr. Mathew Kochupurackal, we strive to enhance the faith and spirituality of our community which are the building stones of our parish life.
Renewal Team Co-coordinators
Coordinator : Mrs.Beena Benny
Asst.Coordinator : Salu Regi